Two chat sessions accessible internally to French speaking and Anglophone staff. Novelty: photos of speakers published in real time for more transparency.
Total’s Communications Department requested our services to organize two “Chat” sessions on December 10, 2018. One in the morning, one in the afternoon. Purpose of this initiative: to interact with the largest number of employees in the various international subsidiaries of the Group. It turns out that the subject was favorable because this interactive meeting was part of the fourth edition of BUSINESS ETHICS DAY. This day of exchange was devoted, in this edition, to the new Code of Conduct.
An internal communication reference model for a multinational company.
Hilde Luystermans, President of the Ethics Committee, Eric Michel, Compliance and Corporate Social Responsibility Director of the Group, and Nathalie Komatitsch, Head of the Human Rights Department, played along by answering directly to the highest number of questions asked by employees as possible. All these exchanges have been translated in real time from French to English. Thus, the answers of the guests and the questions of the different members of the teams based in Europe, in Africa, in the Americas, and in Asia could be understood by all. An internal communication model for a multinational company such as Total.